Here's a sampling of what I made. Some for kids and some for the teachers.
I left these so the kids could color their own in, maybe I'll include a couple of crayons instead of candy.
I thought the teachers could have these.
They were super easy to do. I cut 1" strips that were 8" long, adhered them to white cardstock that was 8"x11 1/2 " leaving a small space at the 5 1/2" mark to cut in half. Then cut 2" bookmarks, making 8 lickity split. Used a corner rounder for the top corners, and my crop-o-dile for a hole at the top to slip a ribbon through. Really wanted to put a couple of buttons on but figured they wouldn't let a book close all the way.
Well that's it for today. Plan for tomorrow is to make my Valentine banner for my mantle.
Happy Stamping,
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